Le Grand Libournais

The Grand Libournais

Located in the Gironde department, 30 minutes from Bordeaux and in the heart of the prestigious Bordeaux vineyards, the Grand Libournais will amaze you with its landscape diversity, its ...

Le Fronsadais

The Fronsadais

Marvelous by nature Come and discover the secret garden of Bordeaux. Near Bordeaux, Blaye and Saint-Emilion, take the side roads and take the time to take a break in Fronsadais. Discover...

Le Libournais

The Libournais

Always where you least expect it! The Libournais is a territory with magnificent landscapes with emblematic sites but where you can also discover places and activities ...

Le Grand Saint-Emilionnais

The Greater Saint-Emilionnais

Unmissable destination in New Aquitaine The Greater Saint-Émilionnais is one of the world's leading destinations as a site known since the Middle Ages for its pilgrimages and its beverage. ...


Castillon Pujols

The Land of Great Men The territory of Castillon-Pujols benefits from a unique identity: thanks to its historical heritage, to the Great Men who have traveled its land, to its gastronomy, ...

Le Pays Foyen

The Pays Foyen

A calm and peaceful territory Along the Dordogne, discover the Pays Foyen between country houses and vineyards. Territory bordering the Dordogne and Lot-et-Garonne, the Pays Foyen abounds ...

On foot or by bike, hike through our most beautiful landscapes

Our hikes

Le Grand Libournais offers hiking loops through vineyards, woods or along the Dordogne.

Our hikes

Le Grand Libournais offers hiking loops through vineyards, woods or along the Dordogne.

You come

Not to be missed

La fête des vendanges 12 & 13 octobre 2024

Saturday October 12 and Sunday October 13

The harvest festival October 12 & 13, 2024


Les portes ouvertes Fronsac – Canon Fronsac

26 and 27 2024 October

Fronsac Open Days – Canon Fronsac


Festival Vino Voce

September 6, 7 and 8, 2024

Wine Voce Festival


Vélotour Saint-Emilion 2024

Saturday September 7, 2024

Bike tour Saint-Emilion 2024


La Bataille de Castillon


The Battle of Castillon


Fest’arts – 33ème Edition

AUGUST 8 to 10, 2024

Fest’arts – 33nd Edition


Festival Confluent d’Arts

July 4/5/6, 2024

Confluent Arts Festival


La ronde des vignobles en Fronsadais

8 and 9 2024 June

The tour of the vineyards in Fronsadais


La Fête de l’Agriculture et l’Alimentation locale en Grand Libournais -Edition 2024

7, 8, and 9 June 2024

The Festival of Agriculture and local food in Grand Libournais - 2024 Edition

Territory of Grand Libournais

Festival Philosophia

24 to 26 May 2024

Philosophy Festival


Le 18Feb

Cultural, Animation and local festival

Exhibition by Sylvie Letertre at Coeur de Bastide


Le 18Feb


Le 18Feb


Le 18Feb


Le 19Feb

Commercial event

Pellegrue weekly market


Le 19Feb

Commercial event

Local farmers market


Le 19Feb

Cultural, Animation and local festival

Digital museum and virtual reality at Micro-Folie


Le 19Feb

Cultural, Animation and local festival

Digital museum and virtual reality at Micro-Folie


Le 18Feb


Le 18Feb

Cultural, Animation and local festival

Exhibition by Sylvie Letertre at Coeur de Bastide


The Mag

Notre sélection de sorties pour les vacances de février en Pays Foyen !

activity - family - What to do during the holidays

Our selection of outings for the February holidays in Pays Foyen!

You too, are you not going skiing for this winter vacation? Then, let me suggest some ideas for outings to do alone or ...

Explorez, créez et partagez : 6 ateliers pour illuminer vos journées d’hiver

activity - Relaxation - moments of conviviality

Explore, Create and Share: 6 Workshops to Brighten Up Your Winter Days

Awaken your senses with unique experiences near you! Winter is a perfect season to slow down and enjoy activities in a different way. ...

Visite du quartier de la gare à Sainte-Foy-la-Grande

heritage - Guided tour

Visit to the station district in Sainte-Foy-la-Grande

Fancy an original discovery of Sainte-Foy-la-Grande? Far from the beaten track, I offer you a guided tour of the station district, in the company of ...

Les animations de Noël en Libournais

Christmas entertainment - family - festive

Christmas events in Libourne

Welcome to Libourne, the city of Santa Claus' Secretariat New for 2024: Winter cruises on the Dordogne Embark on a cruise in the ...

Noël en Pays Foyen

Christmas entertainment - family - festive

Christmas in Pays Foyen

For the end of year celebrations, you will find ideas for outings in Pays Foyen! Christmas in the Bastide In Sainte-Foy-la-Grande: many activities ...

Actu : Vivez la Magie de Noël dans le Grand Saint-Emilionnais

Christmas entertainment - family - festive

News: Experience the Magic of Christmas in Greater Saint-Emilion

As the holidays approach, the Greater Saint-Émilion area is transformed into a veritable haven of magic and conviviality. From Saint-Émilion to the surrounding villages, a multitude of ...

Pavé de bar de Ligne aux girolles, sauce au vin de Montravel rouge

gourmand - Recipes

Sea bass fillet with chanterelles, Montravel red wine sauce

I really wanted to share a recipe with you using local and seasonal products, but I have to say that I am not a ...

Les visites guidées de l’hiver en Libournais

historical - unusual - heritage - Guided tour

Guided winter tours in Libournais

ARE YOU INTRIGUED BY “CRIMES & LEGENDS IN LIBOURNE”? FOLLOW US ON A GUIDED TOUR On the occasion of the Detective Literature Festival of ...

Maïté Belair ; une hébergeuse solidaire

Accommodation - Actor portrait - Solidarity

Maïté Belair; a supportive host

Solidarity accommodation for women with cancer is possible thanks to the solidarity of Maïté, a tourist host in Eynesse, in the Pays ...

Les portes ouvertes de Fronsac.

festive - moments of conviviality - producer

Fronsac open days.

Fronsac Open Days: A weekend not to be missed! The Fronsac – Canon Fronsac Open Days are two days long...

Frissonnez en Libournais !

family - Halloween - unusual

Shiver in Libournais!

To celebrate Halloween, the territory's tourist sites have put together a frightening program of entertainment for you! The hardest part will be choosing! Sunday, 27 ...

Et si vous concrétisiez vos envies avec les associations ???

activity - cool - relaxation

What if you made your dreams come true with associations???

Association …Under this most well-known term, each structure has its own characteristics and diverse objectives, but all share a commitment to a cause...

Des idées de sorties en Pays Foyen en automne

activity - family - festive - gourmet

Ideas for outings in Pays Foyen in autumn

Autumn is gradually settling in on the Pays Foyen and we have selected for you some ideas for outings in this season of shimmering colors. ...

Actu – La Fête des Vendanges : Un weekend de festivités à Saint-Émilion !

family - festive - gourmet - moments of conviviality - producer

News – The Harvest Festival: A weekend of festivities in Saint-Émilion!

The 55 Grands Crus Classés of the appellation are coming together to celebrate the Harvest Festival on October 12 and 13, 2024. The highlight of the week...

Les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2024

activity - family - historical - European Heritage Days - heritage

European Heritage Days 2024

On September 21 & 22, let's celebrate Heritage together! The Tourist Office invites you to take advantage of this weekend to discover or rediscover Libourne ...

Sensations, glisse et activités nautiques dans le Libournais

activity - cool - Sensations, sliding and water activities

Sensations, sliding and water activities in Libourne

The heat is still there, fortunately in Libourne, the lakes, rivers and nautical clubs offer plenty of opportunities to cool off and have fun! SO, ...

Histoires de ponts

history - heritage

Bridge stories

What better time than the week of August 15 to talk about bridges! Like an unrolling ribbon, its curves offer us the...

Actu : Saint-Emilion vélotour une balade à vélo insolite dans les vignes

moments of conviviality - heritage - Hiking

News: Saint-Emilion bike tour an unusual bike ride in the vineyards

Want an unusual and friendly day? The Saint-Émilion Vélotour is made for you! This unique event invites you to discover the vineyards of ...

Des balades contées à Sainte-Foy-la-Grande

activity - cool - Relaxation - family - historical - unusual - heritage

Story-telling walks in Sainte-Foy-la-Grande

Let me introduce you to a small group of big dreamers who loved to tell stories... Let's set off to discover the walks told by the ...

Hommes Illustres, et si on parlait des frères BUREAU

history - Show

Illustrious Men, what if we talked about the BUREAU brothers

It was thanks to their strategic talents and military inventions that the French won the 100 Years' War against the English in 1453! ...

Les visites guidées Street Art de Libourne

unusual - heritage - Street Art

Guided Street Art tours of Libourne

When street art comes to Libourne 🎨 Meet on Tuesday July 30 & August 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and Thursday August 01...

Alice, au Pays du Château Pierrail

Relaxation - historical - heritage

Alice, in the land of Château Pierrail

Let me guide you through the gardens of Château Pierrail in Margueron…Around the magnificent Demonchaux residence dating from the 16th century, gardens have been...

Boucles de randonnée : le top pour explorer le territoire Castillon-Pujols !

activity - heritage - Hiking

Hiking loops: the best way to explore the Castillon-Pujols region!

It's official: the hiking loop project included in the Departmental Plan for Walking and Hiking Routes is almost finished! Fruit ...

#4 Portrait de producteurs Château des Rochers

gourmand - producer

#4 Portrait of Château des Rochers producers

Patricia and Lilian welcome you to share their know-how with passion. The AROLDI family has been cultivating the Château des Rochers vines for three generations on ...

#3 Portrait de producteurs Domaine Emile Grelier

moments of conviviality - podcast - producer

#3 Portrait of producers Domaine Emile Grelier

Located in Lapouyade, Domaine Émile Grelier is an organic vineyard, a pioneer in agroforestry (nearly 1 trees planted) and labeled Refuge for ...

#2 Portrait de producteurs La Ferme Deux bouts

gourmand - producer

#2 Portrait of producers La Ferme Deux bouts

Located on the banks of the Dordogne in Vayres, Ferme Deux Bouts is an agroforestry market gardening integration workshop. On a 2 Ha plot of land, they...

#1 Portrait de producteurs            Le Moulin Epis C’ Tout

gourmand - producer

#1 Portrait of producers Le Moulin Epis C' Tout

Marine & Luc, producers and manufacturers of artisanal flours and pastas in Saint Sulpice de Faleyrens. We control our production from field to plate because...

𝟮𝗲̀𝗺𝗲 𝗲́𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝗙𝗲̂𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝘂 𝗣𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗱𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁-𝗘́𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻

family - festive - gourmet - moments of conviviality

𝟮𝗲̀𝗺𝗲 𝗲́𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝗙𝗲̂𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝘂 𝗣𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗱𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁-𝗘́𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻

Libourne friends and visitors from the surrounding area, we invite you to the Libourne – Saint-Émilion Port Festival which will be held on Sunday June 9...

A vent, à eau, à pont-digue, fortifiés ou minoteries : Les Moulins

activity - family - festive - heritage

Wind, water, dyke bridge, fortified or flour mills: Les Moulins

Windmills, symbols of a bygone past but still present in our landscapes, evoke both tradition and human ingenuity. Used for centuries...

On a testé pour vous :  la Boucle de la Soulège à Saint-Quentin-de-Caplong !

activity - cool - heritage - Hiking

We tested for you: the Boucle de la Soulège in Saint-Quentin-de-Caplong!

Set up less than two years ago by the town hall of Saint-Quentin-de-Caplong, this second hiking loop will help you discover the riches ...

On a testé pour vous : une croisière dégustation sur la Dordogne

cool - gourmet - moments of conviviality

We tested for you: a tasting cruise on the Dordogne

The 2-hour cruises on the Dordogne are soon back, departing from the port of Libourne – Saint-Emilion. The 2-hour cruises start on ...

Dolmen de Curton, une pause lecture au milieu des vignes à Jugazan

unusual - heritage - Hiking

Dolmen de Curton, a reading break among the vineyards in Jugazan

In a landscape of vineyards, on the Curton plateau, overlooking the Engranne valley, there is a construction made of stone slabs or megaliths. ...

Avis aux amateurs de photos !


Attention photo enthusiasts!

From July 1 to September 30: Photo competition my region in Images 2024 organized by Territoires Nouvelle Aquitaine (#TNA #Nouvelle-Aquitaine)!! Since 2021, the association has organized...

Une nouvelle vie pour la cave de Port Sainte Foy

gourmet - historical

A new life for the Port Sainte Foy cellar

Founded in 1935, the Port-Sainte-Foy cooperative cellar is established on the borders of Bergeracois and Bordeaux. This very prosperous cellar saw...

On a testé pour vous : un séjour à Fage – la Maison des Vignes

Relaxation - gourmet - moments of conviviality

We tested for you: a stay at Fage – the Maison des Vignes

We have tested the Family House experience in the heart of the vineyard for you. Château Fage – the Maison des Vignes, is a wine property ...

Pessac-sur-Dordogne un village qui donne «la pêche»….. à la mouche

activity - Relaxation - slow

Pessac-sur-Dordogne a village that offers “fishing”….. fly fishing

Fly fishing on the Dordogne, a legendary river The Dordogne is a true paradise for fishing enthusiasts and especially for ...

La Grande Randonnée vers Paris !

activity - cool - moments of conviviality - heritage - Hiking

The Great Hike to Paris!

Put on your hiking shoes and take your backpack to explore the GR654 west through the Pays Foyen and participate in ...

Que faire au chaud pour vos vacances d’hiver en Libournais

activity - cool - family - moments of conviviality

What to do warm for your winter holidays in Libourne

The holidays are fast approaching, do you need inspiration to have fun indoors, with family or friends? That's good, the...

J’ai testé pour vous : le Grand Saint Emilionnais en hiver

cool - Relaxation - gourmet - historical - heritage - slow

I tested for you: the Grand Saint Emilionnais in winter

The timeless charm of Saint-Émilion, this wine-growing jewel of the Bordeaux region, blossoms in a special way in winter. Intrigued by the reputation of this destination,...

Week-end cocooning en duo                La Saint-Valentin en Terre des Grands Hommes

Relaxation - unusual - slow

Cocooning weekend for two Valentine’s Day in the Land of Great Men

You know spas. You know the tastefully equipped rooms for rent. Now imagine these two elements combined into one, and imagine yourself with your ...

Actu : la journée portes ouvertes de l’office de tourisme

moments of conviviality

News: the open day of the tourist office

Second edition of the open day of the Grand Saint-Emilionnais tourist office: a unique event where participants will be able to explore behind the scenes...

Libourne, ville secrétariat du Père Noël !

family - festive - gourmet

Libourne, Santa’s secretariat city!

Christmas activities at the Libournais Tourist Office… The magic of Christmas takes over the Tourist Office Boutique! 40, Place ...

Fêtes de Noël…. Faîtes de magie et enchantements !

family - festive - gourmet

Christmas time…. Make magic and enchantments!

If there is a particular period where joy, sweetness, colors, laughter and nostalgia mingle… it is that of the Christmas holidays. The little ones can't wait...

La ChoKolatière     Tout un univers chocolaté…..au cœur des vignes


La ChoKolatière A whole chocolate universe…..in the heart of the vineyards

There is no time to eat chocolate, no hour and no day either! We invite you to fall for...

Castillon-La Bataille : Un musée à ciel ouvert

cool - unusual - Street Art

Castillon-La Bataille: An open-air museum

Street art course As part of its cultural programming, the city of Castillon-la-Bataille launched a street art project in 2021 intended to ...

Envie d’évasion ? Dégourdissez-vous les jambes grâce à nos chemins de randonnée.

activity - cool - family - heritage - slow

Desire to escape ? Stretch your legs on our hiking trails.

Whether you are a nature lover, a history buff, a hiking enthusiast or simply looking for an escape, the Castillon-Pujols Tourist Office...

Portrait détonnant d’un artiste étonnant


Shocking portrait of an astonishing artist

The history of art only ever remembers a few names for posterity. Only a few artists make the century and the others little by little disappear...

L’Histoire de Sainte-Foy-la-Grande

history - heritage

The History of Sainte-Foy-la-Grande

Do you know the history of Sainte-Foy-la-Grande? What if we took a little trip back in time? The South-West has around 350 bastides (1) from the XNUMXth century...

Quand la randonnée devient un plaisir gourmand…

activity - festive - gourmet - gourmet hike

When hiking becomes a gourmet pleasure…

Drink or walk, it's not a question of choosing when you like to do both! Let yourself be tempted by a hedonistic ride during which ...

Le spectacle de « La Bataille de Castillon » 2023 sous le signe de la nouveauté !!

family - historical - unusual - Show

The show of "The Battle of Castillon" 2023 under the sign of novelty!!

Discover the brand new Parc Aliénor with its shows and entertainment from 17 p.m. On the program: equestrian contests, handling of weapons, medieval pranks, life-size investigations...

Le vignoble, une histoire de famille – Sylvaine Fournier

podcast - slow

The vineyard, a family story – Sylvaine Fournier

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 10

Il fait chaud, on fait quoi aujourd’hui?         Sur l’eau ou dans l’eau?

activity - cool - family - slow

It's hot, what are we doing today? On the water or in the water?

Summer is well and truly here! We were waiting for it impatiently. The weather is nice and warm, sometimes too hot... The temperatures exceed 30 degrees...

De la trotte électrique tout terrain en Pays Foyen !

activity - cool - unusual

All-terrain electric scooters in Pays Foyen!

You would like to visit a village or even an estate or simply take a simple walk in the forest, however you have only one problem, you...

Le Fronsadais, merveilleux  par nature – Corentin Sauvaget

activity - family - podcast - slow

The Fronsadais, wonderful by nature – Corentin Sauvaget

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 9

Du chêne à la barrique -Claire Sylvain Carioti


From oak to barrel - Claire Sylvain Carioti

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 8

Les guinguettes, bars à bière et bars à vin : la fièvre estivale est de retour

cool - festive - greedy

The guinguettes, beer bars and wine bars: the summer fever is back

It is now a highly anticipated event, with the days getting longer, the guinguettes, beer bars and wine bars, with their festive evenings...

L’appellation viticole locale Sainte-Foy-Côtes-de-Bordeaux


The local wine appellation Sainte-Foy-Côtes-de-Bordeaux

You are a wine lover and you want to discover new flavors and meet winegrowers or wine specialists, so come with ...

La vie n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille –    Jean Claude Scellier

activity - family - podcast

Life is not a long calm river – Jean Claude Scellier

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 7

Rando Vélo Vintage à Sainte-Florence

activity - cool - family - festive - unusual

Vintage Bike Tour in Sainte-Florence

Coming from different regions, clubs as well as old bike enthusiasts or simply lovers of beautiful rides, all have embarked on a ...

On a testé pour vous « Séjour Van life dans le Grand Saint Emilionnais »

activity - cool - unusual

We have tested for you “Van life stay in the Greater Saint Emilionnais”

Explore the territory of Greater Saint-Emilionnais aboard a van. For this year 2023, Saint-Emilion Tourisme is putting the dishes in the big ones and you ...

Trait à cheval – Juliette Bouetz

unusual - podcast

Draft on horseback – Juliette Bouetz

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 6

Un jardin romantique entre Gironde et Dordogne

cool - family - gourmet

A romantic garden between Gironde and Dordogne

Are you passionate about flora, always on the lookout for new gardens and plant varieties, or do you simply like to spend a ...

Au-delà des vignes – Frédéric Mallier


Beyond the vines – Frédéric Mallier

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 5

Des cosmétiques à base de lait de jument !

unusual - podcast

Cosmetics made from mare's milk!

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 4 How? Horse milk products? I was very surprised when Caroline told me that! But learning the story...

Le Carnaval revient … en Pays Foyen !

family - festive - unusual

The Carnival is back… in Pays Foyen!

In Pays Foyen, this festival, which will have its 11th edition this year, has taken the habit of taking place each year in a different town...

De l’eau au moulin – David Redon


Water to the mill – David Redon

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 3

Comme à la maison – Thomas L’Hérisson


Just like at home – Thomas L'Hérisson

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 2

Une cheffe à domicile !


A chef at home!

Who hasn't dreamed of having a chef in their own kitchen and only worrying about spending time with guests? I ...

Des vins par nature – Noémie Tanneau


Wines by nature – Noémie Tanneau

Podcast directed by Bobine – Episode 1

Odyssée Dordonha, la rivière Dordogne s’exporte en Bretagne

festive - historical - unusual

Odyssée Dordonha, the Dordogne river is exported to Brittany

From Saturday April 8 to Sunday April 16, 2023, a barge leaving from Argentat-sur-Dordogne (Corrèze) and operated by the Confrérie des Gabarriers will descend the Dordogne to connect ...

Ce que je pensais être une simple visite d’un hébergement, s’est avéré être une journée de découverte de nombreux secrets et d’un lieu simplement chaleureux.


What I thought was a simple visit to an accommodation, turned out to be a day of discovering many secrets and a simply warm place.

Pascaline, welcomes me with a big smile, to introduce me to her most recent activity. Originally from Paris, after 40 years in the health sector, ...

Restaurant Le P’tit Flaujaguais à Flaujagues


Restaurant Le P'tit Flaujaguais in Flaujagues

"Here the flood lies", literal translation of the name of the town of Flaujagues located 5 km south-east of Castillon-la-Bataille in reference to the tidal bore ...

A la découverte de l’art et de la culture en Pays Foyen !

activity - family - history

Discovering art and culture in Pays Foyen!

Today I take you to discover a place rich in discovery and rather unusual in Pays Foyen: the Micro-Madness! It is in Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, in the premises ...

Noël à Castillon -Pujols

family - festive - gourmet - unclassified

Christmas in Castillon-Pujols

The program of festivities Saturday, December 3, 2022 – From 10 a.m. to 18 p.m. Christmas market and concert in BrannePlace de la Mairie – 33420 BRANNE9 a.m. – ...

On a testé pour vous : la plus vaste église monolithe d’Europe

historical - unusual

We tested for you: the largest monolithic church in Europe

Discover the stories and legends of this monument. 38 m long and 12 m high: the monolithic church – that is to say...

Sébastien, le brasseur d’Auriolles


Sébastien, the Auriolles brewer

We tested the Auriolles artisanal brewery for you. In the heart of the small Girondin village, the Ici On Brasse brewery welcomes you for a short visit ...

A Vayres, Pierre et Muriel Rigothier ont décroché la « lune »


In Vayres, Pierre and Muriel Rigothier landed the "moon"

When they bought the Auberge des Graves in Vayres in 2019 and opened "Lune" in January 2020, Pierre and Muriel had no idea of ​​living two rather eventful years...

Qui n’a pas rêvé de monter à bord d’une montgolfière ?

activity - cool - unusual - slow

Who hasn't dreamed of boarding a hot air balloon?

Get ready for an unforgettable experience First of all, the preparation of the ball, if you have the chance to attend, is impressive. The canvas, immense, spread out over ...

Le saviez-vous ?Le premier vignoble inscrit par l’UNESCO au Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO

historical - slow

Did you know? The first vineyard listed by UNESCO as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

December 1999 remains a historic date for Saint-Émilion. It was on this date that the vineyard and the 8 villages of the Jurisdiction of Saint-Émilion ...

On a testé pour vous une visite au château Jaron

gourmet - unusual

We have tested a visit to Château Jaron for you

You are not a wine expert? Me neither, and even very far from it! It doesn't matter, because to appreciate the visit of ...

Balade insolite en Vélorail

activity - cool - family - unusual

Unusual bike ride

How about a change of scenery for your next family sports session? Start by warming up on the Guîtres vélorail, you will ...

Lou Festa Bourru

family - festive - gourmet

Lou Festa Gruff

Come, let's celebrate the gruff! The what ?! The bourru, a traditional light alcohol of the wine regions which is celebrated in Pays Foyen ...

Plongez dans la fraîcheur de la grotte Célestine

activity - family - unusual

Immerse yourself in the coolness of the Celestine cave

A cave under the city! A guided tour is the best way to discover the past and present of the underground universe of the ...

Une journée au moulin de Porchères

activity - cool - family - gourmet - unusual - slow

A day at the Porchères mill

Nestled in its green setting on the banks of the Isle, the site of the Moulin de Porchères will seduce and occupy the whole family for a ...

2022 sous le signe des nouveautés !

family - Show

2022 under the sign of novelties!

After two complex years due to the Covid crisis, "La Bataille de Castillon" has chosen to professionalize and develop its village...

On a testé pour vous “Les visites estivales de Saint-Emilion Tourisme”

activity - family

We tested for you “The summer visits of Saint-Emilion Tourisme”

This summer, dare to discover Saint-Emilion differently thanks to the two new visits offered by your Tourist Office.

Embarquez sur le bateau barbecue pour une expérience insolite !

activity - cool - family - festive - unusual - slow

Embark on the barbecue boat for an unusual experience!

Exclusively from the Moulin de Porchères. Yes, yes you read that right! You can board a barbecue boat to enjoy grilled meats ...

On a testé pour vous « Saint-Emilion à vélo”

activity - family - slow

We tested for you “Saint-Emilion by bike”

“Remarkable architecture” route A helmet, a bottle of water and your bike, then off you go to explore part of the roads of Greater Saint-Emilion in ...

Les Jeudis de la Bastide

family - festive - gourmet

Thursdays at the Bastide

Gourmet and musical evenings in the heart of the Bastide of Sainte-Foy-la-Grande. Organized by the town hall of Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, the Thursdays of the bastide are ...

Une brasserie Foyenne


A Foyenne brewery

Sébastien, the Auriolles brewer We tested the Auriolles craft brewery for you. In the heart of the small Girondin village, the brasserie Ici On Brasse ...

Le macaron de Saint-Émilion !


The Saint-Émilion macaron!

A small round and tasty cake (to be enjoyed without moderation)!! Last year, I had the chance to go to the Fabrique in the early morning ...

Sur les pas de Montaigne

activity - family

In the footsteps of Montaigne

The 2022 cultural program (from June to November) Located in the Dordogne within the Community of Communes Castillon-Pujols, the village of Saint-Michel de Montaigne ...